
CO2 and Erbium/YAG Resurfacing

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) has been around since 1993 when the first photoderm machine was being tested. Dr. Hashemiyoon was one of the original testing physicians for photofacial treatment using IPL. His studies, along with several other medical centers around the US, were the deciding factorsLumenis Quantum IPL that allowed the FDA to approve this light therapy.

There are several applications for CO2 fractionated laser resurfacing and the Erbium/YAG resurfacing:

  1. Photoaged skin with "sun spots" or "liver spots"
  2. Hyperpigmented skin from trauma or other medical treatments
  3. Rosacea
  4. Broken capillaries on the face
  5. Fine age lines calle rhytids
  6. Deeper wrinkles around the eyes, mouth,and face
  7. Enhance skin texture and appearance

IPL Skin Treatments help restore a more youthful appearance to the skin with minimal downtime and a very low risk of side effects. The light therapy of IPL is broad spectrum white light. This is in contrast to laser treatments where the ight therapy is of one particular wavelength. The intense white light is gentle and non-ablative (it doesn't destory tissue)and it can be used to treat the face, chest, neck, legs, and hands. Anywhere the patient has suffered sun damaged skin can be treated.

IPL Affects on Skin

Patient satisfaction is high because the treatments are fast and gentle and non-invasive. With minimal downtime there is no interruption of daily activities. By reducing or removing the age spots (sun-induced freckles), broken capillaries, large pores, and fine lines the results endow a younger healthier looking appearance to the skin.

Sun Damage on Face - Before Sun Damage on Face - After

Patients can see dramatic results within a very short time.